2012 Mid-autumn Festival Party of Chengdu Youth Federation

Getting together to Celebrate the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China and Strive for a Better Future

2012Chengdu Youth Federation held 2012 Mid-autumn Festival Party


          In the evening of Sept. 28, 2012, The Mid-autumn Festival Party between Chengdu Youth Federation and tutors of Youth Business China (YBC) hosted by Chengdu Youth Federation was held in Flagship Milan Coffee Shop under the theme of "Getting together to Celebrate the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China and Strive for a Better Future". Nearly 200 members and honorary members attended the party, including Secretary of China Communist Youth League, Chengdu Committee, Hui Chaoxu, Deputy Secretary of China Communist Youth League Chengdu Committee and Chairman of Chengdu Youth Federation, Qiu Wei, Vice Chairman of Chengdu Youth Federation, Zhang Zheng, and presidium members of Chengdu Youth Federation.

         Speaking highly of the creditable record made by all the members of Chengdu Youth Federation in performing their duties, Mr. Hui Chaoxu who led the presidium members of Chengdu Youth Federation and Vice Chairman of Honorary Member Association encouraged them to be committed to the central task of striving for our strategic goal as an substantial step to follow the glorious tradition of loving the Communist Party of China and their motherland handed down by Chengdu Youth Federation, and actively push forward Chengdu's economic and social development by fully assisting CPC Chengdu Municipal Committee in maintaining growth, promoting social stability and improving people's livelihood. He also advised them to care about the economic and social development of Chengdu and actively join in major urban development programs to forcefully support forwardlooking, scientific, effective and efficient development of Chengdu and build Chengdu Youth Federation into a strong base and powerful lifeblood to refuel the youth of all nationalities from all walks of life as a substantial and fruitful effort to  embrace the upcoming 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China.



         The party began with the poem dubbed in background music, Marching with the Youth to Build a Common Future recited and wrote by the members of Chengdu Youth Federation, which emotionally recalled the development journey of Chengdu Youth Federation and Chengdu youth, sincerely expressed young generation's anxiety for the opening of the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, and best wishes for and strong confidence in a better future. The party culminated in the song of Me and My Motherland emotionally sung by Li Hong, the winner of China Golden Bell Award and associate professor of the Department of Vocality, Sichuan Conservatory of Music and a member of Chengdu Youth Federation, and the distinctive Sichuan Voiceless Sound, Traditional Chinese Medicine performed by Ren Ping, an actor of Folk Troupe, Chengdu Art Theatre and a member of Chengdu Youth Federation, who just won the prize of "Best Performer", the top prize in the 7th Peony Chinese Folk Art Contest.



         The 2011 – 2012 Special Contribution Award, Contribution Award and YBC Chengdu Outstanding Enterprising Tutor Award were granted on the party. Liu Changming and other five members won the Special Contribution Award, Wang Lihong and other three members won the Contribution Award.

Add: No. 199, Second Section of Xinhua Road, Haixia Science Park, Wenjiang District, Chengdu  Zip:610000  Tel:028-82669999                 蜀ICP备13002616号-2